We care about nature and the sustainable balance in between.


Latitud 10 Foundation

Latitude 10 Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes Biodiversity conservation initiatives for better wildlife management, social wellbeing, and sustainable development.

Our Vision is to contribute to improve nature and inspire the world to build a sustainable legacy.

It all began with sea turtles.
back in 2018

During our 8-hour journey back from our Osa sea turtle project, we came to the conclusion that establishing a foundation was essential for the successful operation of the project. After careful consideration, we settled on the name because Latitude 10 intersects the heart of Costa Rica. From the outset, our goal was clear: to collaborate with both people and conservation.


COPROT Península de Osa, Pacífico Sur

Proyecto Las Guacamayas Project

Proyecto Playa Pinilla

Proyecto de Educación Ambiental

Fijación de Carbono




COPROT is a sea turtle conservation program, located in Osa Peninsula, in the Southern Pacific of Costa Rica. it all began in 2018 in collaboration with the community of Carate, which strenghtened our conservation efforts. nowadays we have a biological station with a volunteer program and visitor’s center.

Something interesting is that we involved the gold miners of Carate, which was very important due to their knowledge of the area and community.

For more information, visit www.tortugasdeosa.org.


Galdric M

I spent a weekend as a volunteer at COPROT, it was an unforgettable experience. Very interesting project that should not be missed.Unique place!

Bernarda Miranda

Jun 2020
I was a research assistant at COPROT and the experience definitely changed my life. More than a project, COPROT is truly a community of hearts that beat for the conservation and development of the environment. The work is hard, but anything is worth it when the cause is noble. I am not a biologist and my profession is not linked to conservation or life, but anyone can contribute to the project from their own reality.

Nov 2019
Very interesting to know the work they do to conserve olive ridley turtles, since in that area they have many natural predators. Furthermore, they hardly have any aid so it is important to support them.


Aug 2019
We met COPROT during the filming of a documentary film for the French – German television channel ARTE. We filmed their actions protecting turtles on those beautiful beaches of Carate.
Thanks again for your welcome! Their project is very important and I can only advise all those who want to participate in this conservation action to support them and visit them!

Do you want more information? Leave us your details and we will contact you

Join us in this effort: And a button next to it that says “Donate”, this takes us to a page where there are 3 options, donate to the foundation, donate to COPROT or donate to the Pinilla Blue Zones Project, from there to a page that shows the types or ways to donate, through PayPal, by transfer to accounts, also including a form for the person who donates with the following information:

COPROT Proyecto de conservación de tortugas marinas ubicado en la Península de Osa, Pacífico Sur

Lo establecimos en el 2018 con la ayuda de la comunidad de Carate. Para nosotros fue muy importante incorporar a los oreros de la zona, ya que ellos conocen muy bien la zona y la comunidad, ellos se unieron a nuestros esfuerzos de conservación. Hoy tenemos una estación biológica y un centro para voluntarios y visitantes. Más información en www.tortugasdeosa.org

Proyecto Las Guacamayas

Proyecto de protección y reintroducción de lapas rojas Ara macao. Se inició hace XX años por Arnaldo Garnier, como apoyo a las actividades de protección de los guardaparques que luchan contra el comercio ilegal de especies. A la fecha, se han liberado XX número de individuos.

Proyecto Playa Pinilla

Proyecto de conservación de tortugas marinas en el Pacífico Norte. Este proyecto busca la conservación de las tortugas y la generación de datos de las especies y poblaciones que llegan a la playa. Adicionalmente buscamos entender como el Cambio Climático afectan la anidación de las especies.

Proyecto de Educación Ambiental

Blue Zones Visitor Center (Centro de Visitantes Zonas Azules). Los estudiantes de centros educativos podrán aprender de la importancia de la conservación de abejas, mariposas y protección de la fauna.

Fijación de Carbono

Iniciativa de protección de conectividad y restauración de hábitats, importantes para la fijación de carbono. Con este proyecto buscamos colocar certificados de carbono en el mercado y apoyar a la industria en sus esfuerzos de compensación de su huella, en camino a la sostenibilidad.